Winter Boston Beacon Hill condo showing
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent
Winter Boston Beacon Hill condo showing
Winter Boston Beacon Hill condo showing. The Boston Beacon Hill broker shivered in the cold, sitting on the third step of the outside stoop. He couldn’t wait for the warmth to return, and to shed his heavy jacket and gloves. This weather was too frigid even on a sunny day,
Then the condo broker noticed a couple walking up South Russell Street towards him smiling and laughing. The two were having a great time, despite the frigid air. The young couple looked gleeful, while he felt terrible as the chill wind hit his face.
“This is no way to live,” the broker thought. Standing, he approached the couple. “Are you here to view the condo?” Pleasantries ensued followed by Hilarity, and chortling, while viewing the Boston Beacon Hill condo for sale.
Life is short. Enjoy.
Peace be with you
Where is Ford Realty Located?
Ford Realty is located in 137 Charles Street in Beacon Hill
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Beacon Hill Condos for Sale
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Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114
Visit our office at 137 Charles Street, Beacon Hill MA 02114
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