Boston Real Estate for Sale

The following information is from the local MLS database, as of November 17, 2006, compared to (last week’s numbers).

Total # of condos for sale in the city of Boston: 2,707 (2,795)
Average # of days on market: 134 (132)

The median price of all condos for sale in the city of Boston: $389,000 ($389,000)
The average price of all condos for sale in the city of Boston: $569,265 ($567,483)

Number of condos sold (closed) over the past 30 days: 289 (253)
Median sales price, last 30 days: $316,000 ($315,000)
Average sales price, last 30 days: $428,313 ($422,346)
Average days on market: 112 (115)
Ratio, closing (sales) price to original (list) price: 91% (91%)

Number of properties going under agreement, last 30 days: 320 (310)

My thoughts: Steady week, look for lower numbers both in under agreements and on-market, as we get into the “Holiday” season.

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