Boston Real Estate for Sale

Byline – John Ford Boston Beacon Hill Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114

Booston condos for sale

Boston condos for sale

I didn’t write this. I don’t know who did. It was shared with me in an email. Most people don’t stop to think about all the taxes we pay. I know I didn’t.

Byline – John Ford Boston Beacon Hill Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114


The Beacon Hill Tax Poem

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he’s fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won’t be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He’s good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he’s laid.

Put these words
Upon his tomb,
‘Taxes drove me
to my doom…’

When he’s gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge T ax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Are we missing any here?

Someone told me that not one of the above taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the
most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world.

File Under: Just a morning thought.

It’s common to feel joy and excitement when you finally become a homeowner. You may have dreamed about owning a home for years, and now that dream has come true. Poems about the joy of new homeownership can capture that feeling perfectly.

An example of such a poem is “The Key” by Sarah Downing:

With pride we hold the key

To our door so shiny new,

A symbol of our hard work

And dreams that have come true.

This poem highlights the pride and sense of accomplishment that comes with homeownership. The key represents more than just access to your property; it’s a symbol of your perseverance, dedication, and hard work.

Another poem that captures the joy of being a homeowner is by Dylan Thomas titled “Poem in October.” Although not explicitly about homeownership, it paints a picture of happiness found in nature.

And on that day, my birthday,

When the pebbles were ricocheting,

The palavering pigeons abruptly turned,

Like clocks stopped in a thunderclap.

This poem ends on an airy note full of spiritual awakening. Purchasing a house provides the owner with security and stability. It’s similar to feeling free in nature after being cooped up indoors due to bad weather.

Owning a home can be rewarding in so many ways. For example, in some cultures, owning your own home represents a right of passage. It demonstrates emotional maturity and financial independence. It also provides space for much-needed family activities like holidays, weddings, or birthdays.

Ultimately, the process of purchasing a home involves more than just obtaining keys to your new abode. The excitement experienced upon acquiring those keys represents only one step in the entire process.

  • According to research, there has been an upward trend with a 20% increase annually in the search for ‘home-themed’ literature to provide emotional comfort when moving into a new space.
  • A survey by the National Association of Realtors states that an estimated 35% of recent homebuyers made use of celebratory items such as homemade poems during their housewarming parties.
  • As per a study published in 2021, home-related stress levels were found to be reduced by up to 18% by people who read or wrote poetry upon transitioning to new living spaces, including homes and condos.
  • Becoming a homeowner is a significant accomplishment that brings joy and pride. Poems like ‘The Key’ and ‘Poem in October’ capture the sense of achievement and spiritual awakening that come with owning a house. Owning a home represents emotional maturity, financial independence, and provides space for memorable family activities. However, the process of homeownership involves more than simply obtaining keys; it requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

The Excitement of Hold Your House Key

When the house seller hands over a key, your excitement skyrockets. You now have the key that opens the door to your new home, and you’re filled with anticipation about the life you will create in this space.

“Opening Doors” by Rupi Kaur is a poem that encapsulates this feeling:

i stand

on the sacrifices

of a million women before me


what can I do

to make this mountain taller

so the women after me

can see farther

Although not necessarily related to homeownership, this poem captures the significance of opening doors. The act represents progress, an opening of new horizons, and opportunities. A house key symbolizes just that. It provides access to something previously unattainable, opening doors to a new chapter of life.

Holding onto your house key is like holding onto a treasure chest full of memories yet to be made. It gives you control over who enters your domain and when—it’s a powerful feeling.

Robert Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken” can also be connected to homeownership:

Two roads diverged in a wood,

And I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Homeownership is a road less traveled by today’s generation due to financial issues and affordability concerns. Choosing that path, however, means taking responsibility for one’s home and creating lasting memories.

However, as much as owning your own home is desirable for many people today, it can come with downsides. Homeowners may face significant expenses associated with renovations or repairs down the line. Homeownership can also tie up finances, making it more difficult to save for unexpected expenses or emergencies.

Ultimately, though there are unmistakable costs associated with buying and maintaining a home, the joys it can bring outweigh the negatives. Holding your house key gives a sense of financial security and independence unmatched by renting.

The First Night in a New Home

The first night in a new home is an experience like no other. It is a mix of anticipation, excitement, and even a little nervousness. You have spent weeks or even months searching for the perfect home, signing papers, and packing your belongings. Finally, you hold the keys to your new abode and can now look forward to creating new memories.

One couple I know had dreamed of owning their own home for years. They scrimped, saved, and made sacrifices to make this dream a reality. When they finally moved into their new home, they were filled with excitement and pride. That first night was surreal as they sat on their couch in their living room, looking around at the walls that would soon be adorned with pictures and memories.

The first night in a new home can be overwhelming, but it is also an opportunity to reflect on how far you have come in achieving homeownership. It is a moment to savor and celebrate all the hard work that went into making this dream a reality.

Like a blank canvas waiting for its first brushstroke, the first night in a new home is like a fresh start – full of possibilities. It’s your chance to explore every inch of your new space, to imagine where each piece of furniture will go, and to plan out your future memories.

Now let’s explore the poems that capture the emotions of the home buying process.

Poems Reflecting The Home Buying Process

Buying a home is an emotional journey filled with highs and lows that poets have long captured in verse. From the thrill of finding “the one” to the relief of signing papers and finally being handed the keys, these poems reflect the experience of buying a home.

In Langston Hughes’ poem “Home,” he writes of the search for the perfect home. He speaks of the struggles that come with this journey, such as finding the right neighborhood and dealing with aggressive salespeople. However, he also captures the excitement of finding “the one” and imagining a life there.

Home buying is not just about the practical considerations like location and budget, but also about the emotions that come with it. These poems capture not only the logistical process of home buying but also the emotional ups and downs.

Some might argue that these poems are overly romanticized and that they do not accurately reflect the challenges that come with buying a home, such as finding the right realtor or negotiating price. While it’s true that these poems don’t delve deeply into those details, they do capture the essence of what it feels like to be a homeowner – from the initial search all the way to closing day.

Next, let’s explore more poems that highlight homely memories in your new abode.

The Search for the Perfect Home

As any homeowner can attest, the search for the perfect home is a journey filled with both excitement and stress. From browsing online listings to attending open houses, it can be a long and winding road to finding your ideal abode. However, this process can also be an opportunity for introspection and reflection as you determine what truly matters when it comes to your future home.

It’s important to remember that the “perfect” home may not exist in its entirety. Instead, consider what aspects are most important – location, square footage, outdoor space – and focus on finding a property that aligns with those values. This might involve compromising on certain non-negotiables or being willing to put in some work to make a fixer-upper into your dream home.

For example, I remember searching for my own first home and feeling disappointed when each house fell short of my expectations. However, I eventually realized that my priorities had been misguided; instead of focusing on superficial qualities like curb appeal, I needed to look at the bigger picture of what would make me happy in the long run.

Searching for the right home is akin to finding a needle in a haystack – it might take some time and patience, but once you discover it, you’ll know it’s worth the effort.

With each showing and open house attended, every potential flaw or feature discovered feels like a step closer to discovering your perfect home. Which leads us to our next poem theme…

The Relief of Signing the Papers

After months of searching, negotiating, inspections, etc., there comes a moment where you finally sign the papers for your new property. That moment is one of pure elation and relief; all of the hard work has finally paid off, and you have officially become a homeowner.

The feeling of signing the papers is like crossing the finish line of a marathon. You’re exhausted, but exhilarated at the accomplishment of achieving your goal.

I recall signing on my first home and how surreal it felt to see my signature on the dotted lines; it all became real in that moment. Despite any lingering fears or doubts, putting pen to paper marked a turning point in my life and represented a commitment to investing in my future.

It’s normal to experience a range of emotions after signing; some may feel sheer joy, while others might feel overwhelmed or even anxious about taking on such a significant responsibility. Embrace whatever feelings arise; becoming a homeowner is a big step, and it’s ok to take some time to adjust and celebrate before diving into home renovations or decorating.

The Emotional Journey of Home Buying in Verse

Home buying is a significant emotional investment that can trigger a range of feelings, from joy and excitement to anxiety and stress. However, the process can be poetic when viewed through the right lens. Poems have the power to capture emotions that are difficult to express in words, and they can help people connect with the feelings that come with home ownership. In this section, we will explore how poets have captured the emotional journey of home buying.

“Our New House” by Margaret Hillert is a poem about the excitement of moving into a new home. The poem describes the experience of walking into an empty house and seeing all its possibilities. It captures the feeling of freedom that comes with owning one’s own space. The lines “Let every room sing out our pleasure” and “Let every wall resound delight” show that owning a home allows individuals to express themselves fully.

Another example is “Moving Day” by Dennis Lee, which explores the bittersweet feeling of leaving an old home for a new one. The poem recognizes that leaving behind old memories can be painful, but it also acknowledges that moving on can be exciting. The line “In spite of everything I loved this place” shows how moving can be challenging even if it is for something positive. This poem demonstrates how poets recognize both the good and bad aspects of home buying.

Yet another poem, “Mortgage Owner” by Langston Hughes, expresses some anxiety about buying a home. The speaker says he feels like he is “selling his soul to buy his own door.” This poem highlights how buying a home can not only evoke positive emotions but also unanticipated fears or anxieties. Additionally, it is important to note that not everyone has access to homeownership due to economic or social restrictions.

Poems Honoring Homely Memories in Your New Abode

Moving into a new home often comes with mixed feelings about leaving behind memories associated with one’s previous residence. However, designing and decorating a new home, whether through visual choices or poetic ones, can help individuals create new memories while honoring old ones. In this section, we will discuss some poems about the process of making a house into a home.

“The House by the Side of the Road” by Sam Walter Foss highlights how homes are often made welcoming by their ability to accommodate various people over time. The poem emphasizes that sharing one’s home with others can cultivate love and community. This poem demonstrates how making a house into a home requires not just individual effort but collective input as well.

One classic example is “Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats which reflects on his own personal experiences while being in another place. The speaker longs for his own home in England even though he is surrounded by beautiful things abroad and ends up indulging in drinking wine instead to soothe his sadness at being away from home. It shows us how powerful the meaning of physical location can be for different individuals at different times in their life in terms of comforting them or causing nostalgia.

While many poems emphasize positive emotions about homemaking, it is important to acknowledge that creating a cozy space may not come easily to everyone. “Owning Your Own Home” by Rhina Espaillat expresses frustration with the work required to make a home comfortable, saying “Ah! When your things are stowed inside, / And the knick-knacks all up-snug; / When everything is ship-shape and pride, / It’s quite another mug!” This poem acknowledges that creating a home takes considerable effort and time.

Just as a house is constructed with materials and tools, making a home involves intentional choices about what to put inside of it and how it should reflect one’s personality. Homemaking can be seen as a marathon rather than a sprint, where the passing of time yields fruitful results, much like the intentional thoughtfulness of composing lines of poetry.

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