Boston Real Estate for Sale

The Back Bay Condo sales broker and the lost electric razor

The Back Bay Condo sales broker and the lost electric razor

The stress of conducting a Back Bay condo for sale showing always rattled John and he would lose things in his panic.

“I looked everywhere!” John yelled from the bedroom. “I can’t find my eclectic razor !”

“You’d better find it or you’ll miss the bus!” Maureen yelled back from the kitchen. “Check the downstairs bathroom.”

“I did! I looked everywhere, even the garage!”

Maureen finished her coffee and marched downstairs.

“Here, silly boy. Like I said, it was right there in the bathroom basement.”

“You have GOT to be kidding! I looked there! Twice!”

“It’s OK,” Maureen said, gently. “You’re good at losing, I’m good at finding. We’re a team.”

Philips Norelco Wet & Dry Men's Rechargeable Electric Shaver 2400 - X3001/90, 1 of 17

“Ask and it will be given to you, search and you will find, knock and the door will be open for you” 

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