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Surveys show that students want to go back to campus in the fall, and universities want them to if it can be done safely. About 85% of universities are planning in-person classes or hybrid models that also include both calls and remote learning for the fall 2020 semester, according to a Chronicles of Higher Education survey. Only 10% were going to go all remote, with 5% undecided.

The question is how to accommodate them.

Students OK living at home

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced college students in Boston to return to mom and dad as campuses emptied, and many of them say they’re enjoying being stuck at home.

A survey of about 1,200 college students conducted by CollegeFinance found that most students only expected to stay at home for around four months when they first returned. However, 41% of respondents admitted that they were unsure of exactly how long they’d be forced to remain at home. In addition, many say they left some of their possessions behind at their college campuses. Now, as some colleges begin to work out their plans for fall, many students realize their stay at home may continue for longer than expected.

Boston Real Estate Trend: Boomerang Kids

Now, experts say that the pandemic could fuel a new generation of “boomerang” kids who remain at home with their parents.

Indeed, some two-thirds of respondents in the survey said the experience of returning home has strengthened their emotional bond with their families. Those who reported engaging in many activities with their families were much more likely to report enjoying their newfound time together and said they felt closer to their loved ones as a result.

The most common activities were sharing dinner and watching TV and movies together. Chores and exercise were also commonly shared activities.

New Conflicts at Home

But while the majority of students said they enjoyed being back at home, some did acknowledge that there were disagreements with some family members upon their return. Over half of the respondents said they had arguments with their parents, with 40% saying their moms and dads had imposed rules they didn’t like, and 47% saying their parents set other expectations around their behavior.

Living back at home also presented students with some challenges. According to the survey, 55% of students said: “distracting parents” were a problem for their productivity. Meanwhile, 43% said they were struggling with an uncomfortable workspace, while 41% said their siblings were distracting, and 37% reported dealing with an inadequate workspace.

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Four in five parents surveyed said they’ve had a positive experience with having their children move back home.

Boston Real Estate and the Bottom Line

While many families are cherishing the chance to weather the COVID-19 crisis together, and most students are actually enjoying their time at home, the study authors noted. Overall, the study shows the resilience of America’s college students, who have continued to pursue their goals despite a global pandemic.


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