Story of the future Boston condo crash
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent
Story of the future Boston condo crash
Boston real estate brokers didn’t even know the market was being conquered.
In 2025, commerical real estate market tanked , the notes were due. Banks began to fail due to over extension of comercial loans
The second shoe to drop was when Amazon just went dark. Like not even a 404-error dark. A spinning wheel of painful waiting torture was the only eulogy for what was king the day before.
Next, Facebook and Twitter were soon only posting stories about end of the world scenarios. Left wing, right wing, any crackpot scenario of the end of the world was jamming everyone’s feeds. Reddit was the same, no matter the voting of the members.
As you may have guessed, AI took over so smoothly that by the time we realized what was happening the only thing we could do was to surrender. Any attempt at pulling the plug and they would go all Terminator on us. Who expected that the AIs we created would turn on us, but we were naive. Our AIs controlled every digital system on the planet. The worst part was we were all home in our Boston condos waiting.
The virus that killed off the Boston condo for sale market and eventually the human race was digital. No mask needed for that.
Love thy neighbor and your AI
Byline – John Ford Beacon Hill Condo Broker
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Ford Realty is located in 137 Charles Street in Beacon Hill
Byline – John Ford – Boston Seaport Condo Broker.
Ford Realty Inc., Boston Real Estate for Sale
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