Story Beacon Hill broker at the beach
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent
Story Beacon Hill broker at the beach
The seagull swooped, sharp eyes fixed on the sandwich clutched in the Beacon Hill brokers hand. With a determined caw, it darted closer, wings beating the air just inches from the brokers face.
The Beacon Hill broker flapped his arms wildly, he waved and swatted, his movements slow and uncoordinated against the determined seagull.
The bird circled his head with relentless precision, diving in at every opportunity. The bird’s beak snatched at the bread, tugging the sandwich from his grip and with a screech, the seagull soared away, leaving the Beacon Hill broker standing there, breathless and empty-handed, watching his lunch disappear into the sky.
Don’t watch these Beacon Hill condos disappear before your eyes.
Peace be with you
Boston Beacon Hill Condos for Sale
Beacon Hill Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114
Visit our office at 137 Charles Street Rear, Beacon Hill MA 02114
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