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Not all Boston Real Estate Mergers Work Out.

One of my friends who owns a real estate company for many years, confessed to me the other day that he regrets that he merged with one of those downtown Boston real estate national chains. He stated it wasn’t anyone’s fault. it just wasn’t a good match.

When he went into specifics of this “real estate alliance” I was reminded of this story:

Modern-day Strategic Alliances: A Short Story

This is a story that tells of an alliance built between a lion and a shark as the lion saw the shark roaming the surface of the water one day. The lion reasoned that because he was the king of the beasts and the shark reigned over the water, they should become friends and allies. The shark agreed.

Soon the lion became entangled with a wild bull and called upon the support of his friend. Although the shark was more than willing to follow through with their agreement, he discovered there was no way for him to leave the sea. The lion soon accused the shark of being a traitor and the partnership dissolved.

This tale illustrates some of the problems that plague modern-day strategic alliances: Some combinations are simply untenable, often because the partners are incompatible. Although the number of alliances, mergers, and acquisitions has increased dramatically in recent years, many companies have realized that their results have often been less than desirable

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