Subprime loan lending to hit housing market
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent Loading... Subprime loan lending to hit housing market If you thought the subprime mortgage crisis had been relegated to the history books, think again. Like cleaning up glitter, the bulk of the mess may be gone, but...
The importance of credit scores
The importance of credit scores

New FHA-insured loan limits released for Boston condos 2022
New FHA-insured loan limits released for Boston condos 2022 The federal housing department has released the new limits on Federal Housing Administration-insured mortgages. (And, on Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac loans, as well.) The federal housing department has released...
Big homes threatened with higher taxes
Big homes/Condos threatened with higher taxes

Pre-approval vs. pre-qualification – the basics
Pre-approval vs. pre-qualification – the basics