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MA hottest real estate zip codes

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MA hottest real estate zip codes

Four Massachusetts communities made’s 2024 Hottest ZIP Codes in America list. 

Communities in the Northeast and Midwest dominated this year’s rankings, with Massachusetts standing out by placing three towns in the top 10. Salem secured the third spot, Leominster came in seventh, and Westfield rounded out the top 10. Attleboro also earned recognition, landing at No. 13. 

For the second year in a row, Gahanna, Ohio, claimed the top spot. 

Notably, last year marked the first time Boston suburbs were represented in these rankings. chief economist Danielle Hale said while the housing market has seen some big changes, including a growing number of homes for sale, the communities on this year’s list “show common factors are driving interest in these highly competitive areas.” 

“Although mortgage rate relief is starting to materialize, this year’s hottest ZIPs reflect the focus on affordability that home shoppers have had over the last few years in the face of high housing costs,” Hale said. “Concentrated in larger metros across the Northeast and Midwest, these top 10 ZIPs attracted highly qualified home buyers seeking more space without relinquishing proximity to urban amenities.”

This year’s most sought-after ZIP codes all provide significant value for potential buyers, according to The report found that each of the top 10 locations boasts a lower median list price and/or a lower median listing price per square foot when compared to the national housing market and even neighboring areas.

This emphasis on affordability is evident in the market dynamics of Massachusetts’ top ZIP codes. 

According to the report, homes in Salem had a median listing time of 16 days and a median price of $596,000 from January to June. In Leominster, the median time on the market was 21 days, with a median listing price of $462,000 during the same period, while in Westfield, homes typically stayed on the market for 20 days, with a median listing price of $347,000.

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