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How to Get The Smartest Beacon Hill Condo on the Block

Smart Beacon Hill condo automation is exactly what it sounds like, automating the ability to control items around your Beacon Hill condominium, – everything from window shades to pet feeders, with a simple push of a button or a voice command. Some activities, like setting up a lamp to turn on and off are simple and relatively inexpensive. Others, like advanced surveillance cameras, may require a more serious investment.

Setting up a smart Beacon Hill condo can seem a little overwhelming; but thankfully, there are plenty of devices that allow you to begin the process with minimal investment:

Beacon Hill condo Smart Locks

Keyless entry and ignition features have been available on cars for a while, and now with smart deadbolt locks you can bring that technology right to your front door. Smart lock users have the option to enter their home by punching in a code on the keypad, or by using an App. The twofold purpose is convenience and security, as users can pre-program multiple entry codes and then designate the days and times when those codes can be used. Most smart locks easily fit onto most standard doors and takes only a screwdriver to install.

Wireless Home Security Cameras

You don’t have to live in a $20 million Beacon Hill mansion to invest in a home security system. The beauty of wireless home security cameras is that not only are they easy and convenient to set up, but they can stream video to any mobile device and alert you if there is any suspicious noise or behavior detected. The best ones offer additional features, including programmable security modes and recordings, as well as cloud storage for those recordings.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats allow you to preset the temperature inside your home, automatically adjusting if you’re going to be away or if the temperature and/or humidity outside the home changes. They can even learn and adjust to your personal preferences and show you real-time energy consumption, while allowing you to control the entire system remotely.

Beacon Hill condos for sale

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