Boston Real Estate for Sale


You may be frustrated while viewing Boston real estate for sale in today’s market. You may feel powerless in the process. How could you possibly know whether the current Back Bay or Beacon Hill condo market will rise or fall? Are we going into a Recession? Is this the right Midtown condo for me? There is no doubt that today’s Boston real estate market is extremely difficult to navigate. However, I want you to know that thousands of homes sold yesterday, thousands will sell today and thousands will sell each and every day from now until the end of the year.

It is totally within your power to decide whether it is the right time for you  to move. Even in the current Boston real estate market

“How?” Let’s look at the simplicity of the famous Serenity Prayer and apply it to buying a Beacon Hill condo in today’s real estate market.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

Accept the things you cannot change

The two main concerns many talk about when discussing the Boston real estate market are:

  1. The current lack of inventory impacting housing prices
  2.  Interest rates

As an individual, there is very little you can do to impact either of those two situations. The best think-tanks in Harvard are struggling to discover what impact each of these items have on Boston real estate sales

Have the courage to change the things you can

Whether you are a first-time Boston condo buyer or a Back Bay luxury condo buyer and you believe now is the right time for you to purchase a home – DO IT! Prices will only be higher later this year and interest rates are at historic lows. That means that your monthly housing expense will still be lower than almost any time in the last 50 years – and probably lower than your current rent payment.

The wisdom to know the difference

With the winter coming soon, the outlook on inventory will be bleak. Sellers will go into hibernation and take their Boston condos off the market. The question is whether or not it makes sense to delay moving on with your life until everything is ‘perfect’

This is where your wisdom must kick in. You already know the answers to the questions I just asked. You have the power to take back control of the situation by moving forward. The time has come for you  to move on and start living the life you desire. That is what truly matters.

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