Boston Real Estate for Sale

Homeownership not a great investment

Did you buy your home expecting to make a gain on your sale, like, above what you’d make if you invested in the stock market? I don’t know. Maybe in this day and age, but to me, all I expect is to live in it for thirty years, sell it, and get the cash...

Manny says, nevermind

Manny Ramirez has taken his Ritz-Carlton penthouse home off the market. The 3,400 square foot property went on the market in November 2005, and had been listed at $6.9 million. More: Ramirez changes game plan, takes condo off market – By Jerry Kronenberg, The...

Straw-bale construction … huh?

The New York Times has an article today about a lady who built a house out of … straw. Okay, that’s something I’ve never heard of … well, I’ve heard of it, obviously, but not since my nanny read me stories as an infant. Apparently,...
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