Boston Real Estate for Sale

Theo closes on sale of home

According to the public record, Theo Epstein is now a millionaire (on paper, at least … and, wasn’t he, before?). Mr Epstein purchased the property at 63 St Botolph St for $1,200,00 in February, 2004 and lived there until mid-September, 2007, selling it...

Tom Brady selling two condos

Probably one of the top ten searches on my blog is, “Where does Tom Brady live?” Well, you’re about to find out. According to the Globe: Two condos in the Beacon Street brownstone that the Pats QB bought for $6.2 million last year are now on the...

Old people stay where they are

Everyone always says, “When old people retire, they move south.” Apparently, not. According to the United States Census Bureau, 9 out of 10 Americans over 60, or 41.5 million people, stayed in the same home or in the same county between 1995 and 2000....

Lies, I mean Lives, of the Idle Rich

The Times has an article today about a nice young couple who bought their first home back in 2001. No, not a 900-square foot one bedroom cottage. An abandoned firehouse, now a multi-use facility, complete with a 3,000-square foot penthouse residence, a concert hall...
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