General real estate stories
Well, if prices fell 30% in the South End, what would that mean for a buyer? Here’s the scenario: In March, 2005, if you had been pre-approved for a purchase of $500,000, with 20% ($100,000) down, you could have bought a one-bedroom, one-bathroom, 761 square...General real estate stories
Here’s some random thoughts, off the top of my head. I need more original content on this site, instead of just copying things from other websites (although that’s pretty much what bloggers do, now, don’t they?). First, if I had to choose which... General real estate stories
Great story about open house disasters. I haven’t heard many shocking stories about open houses in Boston, but I’ll see what I can find out. By Teri Karush Rogers, New York Times As some brokers see it, displaced anxiety or even rage is causing a higher...General real estate stories
This is a good article, from the Washington Post. It’s about real estate in the Washington DC area, but the points it makes are relevant to us here, in Boston, as well. It pretty much says what everyone else is saying (parts of which I don’t agree with,...General real estate stories
I will have to do some research on this, but my first reaction to the two stories, below, from the Boston Herald, is that they are not reflective of what’s really happening out there, right now. First, any suggestion that Dorchester isn’t hot hot hot is... General real estate stories
Heard a new phrase today. Probably an old phrase, from somewhere else. Ever heard of a “bookend neighborhood”? Here’s an example: In Boston, the South End is a neighborhood. On one side you have Bay Village & on the other side you have the...