Boston Real Estate for Sale

Most excellent website, ever

Simply, the most excellent website ever I have found is over at Once you open up the Java applet, you can select from a huge number of maps of Boston – current day, but also all the way back to 1775.  You can overlay one map with another, to see...

Condo conversions spreading

As prices rise, people look to new cities and neighborhood in which to buy.  Sounds good to me.  Very exciting times.  First-time homebuyers can find some great properties from which to choose a new home. By Kimberly Blanton, Globe Staff High prices are driving...
At last! Richest homes get mag

At last! Richest homes get mag

Boston to get its own high-end homes magazine. By Greg Gatlin, Boston Herald Dan Kaplan can’t figure out why virtually every region in the country except New England has a luxury homes magazine targeting the “super affluent.” That will change in...
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