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In the entry below this one, a blogger says he thinks real estate agents should be writing blogs. However, this real estate agent says it’s a stupid idea. Of course, you can see the irony – the real estate agent writes this huge blog entry, below, but then says he has “no time” to write blog entries. Um, okay.
Doing Something Different: A Weblog by Doug Miller.
Dana VanDen Heuvel of blogSavant posts a screed today about Realtors needing weblogs, and Alwin wants to get my spin on it. Here’s the short answer – there’s no percentage in it, at least not yet.
Don’t get me wrong, I think there’s some real value in weblogging, or I wouldn’t have been doing it for years. Having said that, I think the case for corporate weblogging as the be-all-and-end-all of the future of marketing is hugely overblown, and largely the product of marketing consultants looking to cash in on the latest fad. That’s not the reason I think blogging is a dead end for most Realtors (at least right now) though.
First off, let me say that I agree with Dana’s assertion that most agent web sites are sub par, and that most of the companies selling agents sites design and deploy very poor examples of the web designer’s craft. There are reasons for this, however, that I think are largely similar to why blogs are not a particularly wise investment for the average agent at this time.