Boston Real Estate for Sale

If you’re a Boston real estate seller, we wouldn’t blame you for feeling daunted by this fall Boston condo for sale market. As of September 2019, new sales were down from last year, according to the Boston-area MLS, and Boston area home prices have also slipped in some areas of downtown Boston the past year. Meanwhile, the average number of days a Midtown condo or Beacon Hill condo spends on the market before the right buyer comes along is up. When it gets tough to sell a Beacon Hill condo for sale we often get asked, “Who is the Saint that is supposed to help your sell your home?”

Clearly, Boston real estate sellers who need to move their home this year are going to have to be patient. And while usual Boston real estate agent advice holds true (price the home correctly for the market, maximize curb appeal and use a Realtor with an excellent marketing package), some have asked us about a more unconventional approach. 

History of St. Joseph

Even if you’re not a Christian or Catholic or part of that tradition, you may have heard of Joseph and Mary, Jesus’ earthly parents. As the story goes, because of his great faith, Joseph became a saint in the Catholic tradition, meaning that, like other saints, he can be offered specific prayers, and his statue can be placed in strategic locations to help with life events and ensure general well being. 

Because St. Joseph is known as the saint of not only fathers and families, but also carpenters and bursars (people who are responsible for big financial transactions), it makes sense that people would turn to St. Joseph for some divine influence on their Beacon Hill condo sale.

Where to Bury St. Joseph to Sell Your Home

In the US, St. Joseph has been called into service for Boston real estate transactions for at least three decades, according to Here’s how it works: Hopeful homeowners purchase a statuette of St. Joseph, which are usually a few inches tall and depict him in beard and robe, holding baby Jesus. Then they wrap him in some kind of cloth or plastic, and bury him in the yard. Traditionally, St. Joseph should be dug up again once the home sells, and placed on the mantle of the sellers’ new home to watch over the home and family.

The theory is that St. Joseph doesn’t want to be underground, so he’ll speed along the Boston real estate for sale process to earn his place on the mantle. 

St Joseph’s Prayer to Sell Your Home

In addition to burying the statuette, some home sellers may wish to recite a special prayer to St. Joseph to help manifest the right buyer. The prayer is traditionally recited for nine consecutive days. While it doesn’t refer to home sales directly, it does specify a request for “spiritual blessings”. Sometimes selling as home is an emotional relief as well as a financial one, so we think it counts as a spiritual blessing! Here is the text of the prayer released in 1950 by Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh:

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.

O Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers.

O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath.

Saint Joseph, Patron of departed souls – pray for me. (Mention your intention) Amen.

Bottom Line

If you’re having trouble selling your Beacon Hill condo, please give me a call, perhaps I can help answer your prayers.

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