Boston real estate - buying a home
Quick tips on how to raise your credit score. Good info if you’re going to be applying for a home loan, anytime soon. … If you want to raise your credit score, then you’ll want to keep your credit cards open as long as possible. Unless you absolutely...Boston condo sales data, Boston real estate - buying a home, Selling your home
I did some research to see where things stand regarding single-family homes for sale throughout several Massachusetts cities and towns. My research was by no means exhaustive. Still, it gives a quick snapshot of the situation you may find yourself in, if you are...Boston condo sales data, Boston real estate - buying a home, Selling your home
I just want to clarify (correct) something I read in the newspaper, yesterday. The majority of Massachusetts’ towns and cities are not “drowning in homes” (for sale). Inventory levels are not high, right now. You can debate as much as you’d...Boston real estate - buying a home
Have you considered buying a home/condo advertised as a “short sale”? A good place to find out the basics is in this article in today’s Journal: A short sale, which involves buying a house for less than the amount the seller owes the lender, can be...Boston real estate - buying a home, mortgage loans
I’m not clear on how this affects the mortgage loan business in Boston; I don’t get too involved with my clients’ loans, except to make sure they have them. Most of them, I think, end up with 80% first loans, and 10-15% second loans (actually, lines...Boston real estate - buying a home
There aren’t many words in the English language better than “grouse”. It’s almost an onomatopoeia. “You’d better stop griping about my grousing,” you’d say. Anyway, one thing people love to grouse about is the high cost...