Boston real estate - buying a home
This real estate agent was rude. Question: When I purchased my house, the home inspector listed a number of items that needed repair, including problems with the bathroom plumbing, the lawn sprinklers, the yard drains and some of the doors. My agent told me...Boston real estate - buying a home
What are you doing on Sunday? Why aren’t you going out to Open Houses? Why aren’t you asking me to go with you? Just wondering … Back to Boston condos for sale homepage Contact me to find out more about this property or to set up an appointment to...Boston real estate - buying a home
Here is an excellent blog post by a real estate agent in New York City, discussing the eternal topic – should you buy or should you rent. Don’t get caught up in the whole debate right now that is going on about the nationwide housing market. If you plan on...Boston real estate - buying a home
If you are buying a condo, ask the seller if he or she pulled building permits for any work done. If you don’t, you run serious risk. For example, what if the electrical wiring was not done up to code and suddenly the building burns down? Ooops. Or, what if your...Boston real estate - buying a home
What causes heartbreak to a new homeowner? Walking in the door an hour after closing and realizing that the seller has taken 1) all the drapes; 2) all the floor lamps and hanging chandeliers; and, 3) the refrigerator. Legal? Most definitely (the chandeliers are the...
Boston real estate - buying a home
Most first-time homebuyers hesitated this past year, not sure if they should take the plunge into ownership, given the (relative) high cost of buying. Sometimes, people compare renting vs. buying, before they buy. Is it more expensive to buy, or, should I say, MUCH...