It’s Monday afternnoon, as a Boston real estate broker, I’m so confused about who’s medical advice I should listen to: President Trump, Alec Badwin, the Scraf Doctor or the midget man. Hmm …. Ok Alec, what do you have to say:
Alec Baldwin’s Trump impression is getting a Lysol booster shot.
President Donald Trump last week mulled the idea of injecting disinfectants to kill the coronavirus, which prompted Lysol manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser ( BTW, which is not made In America – its made by the Brits) to issue a statement saying people should never do that. Trump later walked back those comments, claiming he was being sarcastic.
Then, on Friday, in an effort to clear things up, Baldwin broke out his Trump impression to shed more light on the president’s thoughts.
Have you’ve noticed that the younger generation are not being infected with the coronaviirus, perhaps we should take note of Bluto’s and Whimpy’s approach to curiing the coronavirus. By Eating hamburgers …. give me hanburger today … I’ll pay you back tomorrow … socialism at its best.
Please Note this is a medical disclaimer: My name is John Ford, I do not have a medical degree, I did major Political Science in college, but I’m not a Scientist, even though I’m a serious candidate for Bachelor of Science (Totally B.S degree). Back in 1988.
If I were you I’d listen to the liitle guy, Dr. Anthony Fauci.