Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Condos for Sale 


Last night. while social distancing I had a conversation with another Beacon Hill real estate broker, the topic: are we in a recession? As we were bantering back and forth, I ended the conversation that we’re not in a Boston real estate recession with the story below. 

 I’ve refined the wording of the story as follows:

A philosophy professor gave an unusual test to his class. He lifted his chair onto his desk and wrote on the board simply: “Prove that this chair does not exist.” The class set to work, composing long complex explanations – except one student, who took just thirty seconds to complete and hand in his paper, attracting surprised glances from his classmates and the professor. Some days later the class received their grades for the test. The student who took thirty seconds was judged the best. His answer was, “What chair?”

Boston Condos for Sale 


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