Boston Real Estate for Sale

Beacon Hill Population Demographics

Total Population5,075
Male Population2,465
Female Population2,611
Male Population 48.57 %
Female Population 51.45 %
Median Age33
Citizen US Born4,022
Citizen not US Born594
Not Citizen460
Citizen US Born79.25 %
Citizen not US Born11.7 %
Not Citizen9.06 %
Moved from Abroad154
Moved from Same Country626
Moved from Same State407
Moved from Different State392
Same House as Last Year3,472


Moved from Abroad3.03 %
Moved from Same Country12.33 %
Moved from Same State8.02 %
Moved from Different State7.72 %
Same House as Last Year68.41 %

Occupational Employment in Beacon Hill

White Collar3,022
Blue Collar69
White Collar 59.55 %
Blue Collar 1.36 %
Self Employees166
Private Companies2,137
Governmental Workers144
Not for Profit Companies643
Self Employees3.27 %
Private Companies42.11 %
Governmental Workers2.84 %
Not for Profit Companies12.67 %

Number of Households in Beacon Hill

Total Households2,532
Average People Per Household2
Family Households831
Non-family Households1,701
Non-family Households16.37 %
Family Households33.52 %
Households with Children304
Households without Children2,228
Households with Children5.99 %
Households without Children43.9 %

Median and Average Income in Beacon Hill

Average Household Income$159,432.38
Median Household Income$107,838.00
People below Poverty Level581
People above Poverty Level4,107
Housing Units2,866
Median Year Built1948
Built in 1939 or Earlier1,729
Built between 1940 and 194967
Built between 1950 and 1959106
Built between 1960 and 1969250
Built between 1970 and 1979279
Built between 1980 and 198966
Built between 1990 and 1999100
Built between 2000 and 2009194
Built in 2010 or Later75
Occupied Housing Units2,532
Owner Occupied859
Renter Occupied1,673
Owner Occupied 16.93 %
Renter Occupied 32.97 %
With Mortgage479
Without Mortgage380
Median Value with Mortgage$698,850.00
Median Value without Mortgage$916,950.00
Median Housing Costs per Month$2,286.00
With Mortgage 9.44 %
Without Mortgage 7.49 %

Beacon Hill Education Statistics

No High School37
Some High School448
Some College339
Associate Degree94
Bachelor’s Degree1,733
Graduate Degree1,764
No High School0.73 %
Some High School8.83 %
Some College6.68 %
Associate Degree1.85 %
Bachelor’s Degree34.15 %
Graduate Degree34.76 %

Marital Status in Beacon Hill

Never Married2,381
Never Married 46.92 %
Married 34.66 %
Separated 0.67 %
Widowed 1.99 %
Divorced 6.82 %

Means of Transport to Work in Beacon Hill

Bus or TrolleyBus148

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Beacon Hill Charity Donation

My new goal for the Fall of 2019 is to provide a percentage of our Beacon Hill Real Estate commission to fight Alzheimer’s

Select us to represent you either as a buyer or seller’s agent and we’ll give back a portion of the sales commission to find a cure for this awful disease.

  • Having a recent love one suffer and died from this illness broke my heart. Please let us work together to find a cure.
  • Ford Realty has been in business for over 20 years.
  • Ford Realty Inc has several 2019 positive Google Reviews
  • For more information email You can call or send us a text @ 617-595-3712.
  • Thank you

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