Beacon Hill Population Demographics
Total Population | 5,075 |
Male Population | 2,465 |
Female Population | 2,611 |
Median Age | 33 |
Citizen US Born | 4,022 |
Citizen not US Born | 594 |
Not Citizen | 460 |
Moved from Abroad | 154 |
Moved from Same Country | 626 |
Moved from Same State | 407 |
Moved from Different State | 392 |
Same House as Last Year | 3,472 |
Occupational Employment in Beacon Hill
White Collar | 3,022 |
Blue Collar | 69 |
Self Employees | 166 |
Private Companies | 2,137 |
Governmental Workers | 144 |
Not for Profit Companies | 643 |
Number of Households in Beacon Hill
Total Households | 2,532 |
Average People Per Household | 2 |
Family Households | 831 |
Non-family Households | 1,701 |
Households with Children | 304 |
Households without Children | 2,228 |
Median and Average Income in Beacon Hill
Average Household Income | $159,432.38 |
Median Household Income | $107,838.00 |
People below Poverty Level | 581 |
People above Poverty Level | 4,107 |
Housing Units | 2,866 |
Median Year Built | 1948 |
Built in 1939 or Earlier | 1,729 |
Built between 1940 and 1949 | 67 |
Built between 1950 and 1959 | 106 |
Built between 1960 and 1969 | 250 |
Built between 1970 and 1979 | 279 |
Built between 1980 and 1989 | 66 |
Built between 1990 and 1999 | 100 |
Built between 2000 and 2009 | 194 |
Built in 2010 or Later | 75 |
Occupied Housing Units | 2,532 |
Owner Occupied | 859 |
Renter Occupied | 1,673 |
With Mortgage | 479 |
Without Mortgage | 380 |
Median Value with Mortgage | $698,850.00 |
Median Value without Mortgage | $916,950.00 |
Median Housing Costs per Month | $2,286.00 |
Beacon Hill Education Statistics
No High School | 37 |
Some High School | 448 |
Some College | 339 |
Associate Degree | 94 |
Bachelor’s Degree | 1,733 |
Graduate Degree | 1,764 |
Marital Status in Beacon Hill
Never Married | 2,381 |
Married | 1,759 |
Separated | 34 |
Widowed | 101 |
Divorced | 346 |
Means of Transport to Work in Beacon Hill
Car | 566 |
Bus or TrolleyBus | 148 |
Railroad | 88 |
Bicycle | 73 |
TaxiCab | 22 |
Walk | 1,484 |
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Beacon Hill Condos – Open Houses
The property listing data and information, or the Images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc. from third-party sources, including sellers, lessors, landlords, and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. The property listing data and information, and the Images, are for the personal, noncommercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing, or renting listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing or renting. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the Images, set forth herein.
Beacon Hill Charity Donation
My new goal for the Fall of 2019 is to provide a percentage of our Beacon Hill Real Estate commission to fight Alzheimer’s
Select us to represent you either as a buyer or seller’s agent and we’ll give back a portion of the sales commission to find a cure for this awful disease.
- Having a recent love one suffer and died from this illness broke my heart. Please let us work together to find a cure.
- Ford Realty has been in business for over 20 years.
- Ford Realty Inc has several 2019 positive Google Reviews
- For more information email You can call or send us a text @ 617-595-3712.
- Thank you
Buying a Beacon Hill condo for sale
- Tips on buying a Beacon Hill condo
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- Beacon Hill condos for sale what is negotiable
- Beacon Hill condos for sale: What it take to get a mortgage.
- Boston Beacon Hill condos for sale. Understand the condo association
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- How to select a Beacon Hull broker
- Beacon Hill condos for sale: Clutter Free
- Beacon Hill condos for sale:Security Tips
- Beacon Hill condo renters are misinformed
- Boston Beacon Hill condos for sale: Design trends
- Boston Beacon Hill condos: Fixer up
- 8 Beacon Hill condo designs
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- Boston Beacon Hill condo sales volume
- Wage increases make Beacon Hill condos more affordable
- Boston Beacon Hill condos the importance of high owner occupancy
- Why you should buy a Beacon Hill condo off season
- What do these Boston Beacon Hill condo terms mean?
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