Subprime loan lending to hit housing market
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent Loading... Subprime loan lending to hit housing market If you thought the subprime mortgage crisis had been relegated to the history books, think again. Like cleaning up glitter, the bulk of the mess may be gone, but...
Survey says…..
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent Loading... Survey says….. Half of Americans are brought to tears while buying a home Shopping for a home is a stressful process, even under ordinary circumstances. But the condition of today’s housing market is...
Loans for Boston condo mortgages are still available
Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent Loading... Loans for Boston condo mortgages are still available In today’s Boston condo for sale market, many are beginning to wonder if we’re returning to the riskier lending habits and borrowing options that led to...