Boston Real Estate for Sale

A story about a snoopy Beacon Hill neighbor

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent


A story about a snoopy Beacon Hill neighbor

They just moved into a Beacon Hill apartment. Sally, was jealous of my new neighbor before she’d even moved in.

Sally didn’t exactly spy on her, but when she opened her bedroom curtains she could see the neighbors kitchen. A basil plant on the windowsill, so big it almost blocked her view. Sally could imagine her life – homemade pizza, pasta sauces and salads. All with fresh leaves from that enviable plant.

A few months after moving the neighbor invited Sally over for dinner. Food delivery arrived just after Sally. They ate in the kitchen – pizza on paper plates and a plastic basil plant hovering over them. 

Beacon Hill Rental Agents Lesson

Assumptions and first impressions can be deceptive, indeed!

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent

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