Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Real Estate for Sale


Today, I went to the Google search engine and I typed in “Boston real estate for sale” and as I was scrolling down the Google search results (yes, eventually  I found my Boston real estate website).

After finding my website I kept scrolling to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-page results, mostly out of curiosity. Then I came across Zip Realty. For the younger generation, back in the day, ZIp Realty was a powerhouse for real estate searches. Thus it was eventually purchased by Coldwell Banker (Realogy).

Real estate franchise and brokerage giant Realogy Holdings Corp. acquired brokerage and real estate technology platform provider ZipRealty for $166 million in 2014.

When they purchased ZipRealty’s website it was the 17th most-visited real estate site, according to traffic numbers from Experian Marketing Services. Today, its on page 4 or 5 of Google.

Boston Real Estate and the Bottom Line

I wonder if Coldwell Banker regrets buying the Zip Realty company. Well, at least our President didn’t make that real estate financial mistake. 

Boston Real Estate for Sale


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