Boston Real Estate for Sale

If you are thinking of selling your Midtown real estate condo, you may be wondering how to make your home eco friendly. Here are some tips from Boston real estate agents that are environmentally friendly, can help you save money and possibly improve the resale value.

Appliances are responsible for a significant amount of your Midtown real estate energy use, from the refrigerator, which runs 24/7 to the washer, dryer and dishwasher. There are several ways to be environmentally friendly without buying new appliances.

Boston condo appliance cleaning methods

  • Brush the lint and dirt from refrigerator coils. Clean coils may use less energy to keep food cold.
  • Use cold water instead of hot. It uses less power and clothes are just as clean.
  • Clean the lint slot and filter on your dryer. This helps it run more efficiently
  • Use dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. Not only do they speed dry time and prevent wrinkles, but they also do so without chemicals, and they are long-lasting
  • Fill the dishwasher entirely before running it. This saves energy and reduces water use. Running the appliance during off-peak hours can also lower your energy bill.

Boston Real Estate light bulbs

Swap out incandescent light bulbs for LEDs. They are more expensive than traditional bulbs, but each may last up to 13 years.


Install window treatments, such as curtains and blinds. As a Midtown real estate owner, they enhance the interior’s décor and keep the interior temperature consistent by keeping out the hot and cold air from outside.


Participate in the local recycling program. You’ll find there is less waste to put into the local landfill.


Upgrade your thermostat. Smart thermostats enable you to reduce energy use when you’re not at home and can automatically change the temperature at a specific time, so you don’t need to do it manually.

Bottom Line

Updating for Boston Midtown condo eco friendly home doesn’t need to break the bank. At Ford Realty we can help you prepare for the sale of your unit by improving its energy efficiency, staging for maximum curb appeal, arranging escrow inspections and more. Contact us today for more information about our expert services.

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