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Boston condos: 2023 Earth Day

Earth Day 2023: When Is Earth Day? | Celebrating Earth Day Ideas | The Old  Farmer's Almanac


Tomorrow is earth day, I’m sure the Boston Common will be a mob scene.  I remember my very first earth day back in 1978. That is right I am THAT old. The last earth day may not be far off, I’m might be part of the earth, not in a good way, sorry I don’t know why I’m being so morbid today.

Back then concerns about the environment had just started. By the 1980’s we knew we were in trouble unless we made some changes to the way we live.  Now we know that the damage we have done to planet Earth which is our only home probably isn’t reversible.

The pandemics, droughts, floods, fires, and mega-storms will continue. Food prices will continue to rise as regions where food can be grown shrink. There is a finite amount of water on the planet and as the population of the planet goes beyond that critical tipping point water will become more scarce and there will be more people without safe drinking water or any drinking water at all.

Okay, did I make you depressed?

Happy Earth Day!

Ps – I won’t be at the Boston Common, more likely at the Bell n Hand or some other environmental friendly establishment. 

Bell In Hand Tavern, Upcoming Events in Boston on Do617


A Great chef know how to mix ingredients together to produce a masterpiece entrée. On this Earth Day, we should remember the ingredients needed to help our planet:

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
  • Restore
  • Replenish

Laudato Si’ is a powerful call to recognize the harm we have inflicted on Mother Earth. As a famous person once said: “You’re ether part of the solution or part of the problem” Here in my neighborhood (Beacon Hill) we have trash days on Monday and Friday mornings, yet we have individuals who still put trash on the streets days before the determined day and time. Creating dirty sidewalks for others to clean up.

The secret sauce on this Earth Day is to remember we all need to keep our environment clean for future generations. It can all start by keeping our part of our Boston neighborhoods sidewalks clean.

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