Boston condos for sale $500,000 – $550,000
Boston Condos for Sale
Save money on Boston condos fors sale priced from $500k – $575k
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Boston Condo Sales Data on Boston condo sold in 2021 priced between $500,000 – $550,000
What is the average number of listings in the $500,000 price range?
In 2021 the avg number of listings was 65
What is the average size of a Boston condo in the $500k price range?
The avg size of a Boston condo in the $500,000 price range is 785.50 sq ft
What is the average price per sq ft for a Boston condo for sale in the $500,000 price range?
The avg price per sq ft for a Boston condo priced in the $500,000 price range is $677.00 per sq ft.
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Boston Condos for Sale