Boston Real Estate and the Hippie Renaissance
Boston Real Estate and the Hippie Renaissance
Jim and Linda needed a change, so they moved out of their Beacon Hill apartment rental and bought a condo in Porter Square.
They’d grown used to 24-hour news, to thinking of people they’d never met as friends, to assuming everyone had perfect trimed hair that is naturally brown, blond or red.
Deep down, though, they knew these things were an illusion. So they began to turn off their TVs, delete their Facebook accounts, puffed their vapors and let their hair grow naturally.
They had allowed themselves to think of such things as normal, but now they began listening to each other, writing poems and living at their own free pace.
They began creating a new normal, and life became clear and slow and they joined peace rallys on the Boston Common.
If you’re like me and would prefer to live in a Beacon Hill apartment over leaving in Porter Square, check out these apartments in the heart of Beacon Hill.
Revolt on paying high Beacon Hill real estate broker fees – Now
Never pay a full fee! Looking for a Boston Beacon Hill apartment for rent. Contact us via cell 617-595-3712.
We will cut our portion of the broker fee – to service YOU.
All Beacon Hill apartments Listings for Spring 2025
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Beacon Hill apartment rentals for 2025
For more information contact me via call/text at 617-595-3712 to find out about Beacon Hill apartments for rent with no broker fees.