Back Bay Condo Broker No Longer Smiling
Back Bay Condo Broker No Longer Smiling
Thomas a Back Bay condo broker, smiled seeing the first robins of spring land on his dotted-grass lawn. He smiled watching Monica putting away their winter outerwear and storing it in the basement.
The Back Bay condo broker put on his shorts and his summer sketcher sneakers, he stepped outdoors to drink his green tea on the patio
“What a splendid start to spring,” he beamed, observing squirrels chasing each other near the trees he planted last fall.
He closed his eyes to catch a happy dream.
Upon wakening he noticed goosebumps coating his arms. Snowflakes descended while he entered the house.
On his Yahoo homepage, a poignant announcement aired: “Red alert, spring snowstorm hitting downtown Boston.”
“Where are my winter clothes ?” Tomas asked Monica
The Back Bay broker was no longer smiling.
Peace be with you
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