Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston condo buyers, do you need a buyers agent?

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent


Boston condo buyers, do you need a buyers agent?

I did not work with a buyer’s agent when I bought my first Boston condo for sale. At the time I thought that I came out alright. I did not know what I did not know.

With the help of a Boston condo buyer’s agent, I may have paid less for the condominium and if I had made an inspection contingent offer we may have been able to negotiate some repairs.  The seller’s agent wrote our offer, she was helpful but did not negotiate or work on our behalf.

It wasn’t until many years later as I started working as a real estate agent representing buyers that I realized we missed a few things when I bought my firs downtown Boston condo.

Buying a second or a third condominiun is a little easier but each home is unique and so is each seller. Rules and laws change over time. If you bought a house twenty years ago you might not be aware that laws have changed.

No, you don’t have to have a buyer’s agent representing you but most home buyers need one.

Choose an experienced agent. An inexperienced agent can be worse than no agent at all.

If you choose to go it alone consider consulting a real estate attorney.

Peace be with you

Updated: Boston Real Estate Blog 2024

Boston Beacon Hill Condos for Sale

New Update 2024

Due to the new MLS rules we can now list your Beacon Hill condo for 2%. Our fees are lower than Redfin ! More info call 617-595-3712.

Updated: Boston Real Estate Blog 2024

Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114

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