Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Real Estate for Sale 


Boston Real Estate Thought: Do you think Boston real estate bidding wars are really fair?

The frustration among Boston downtown condo buyers on how listing agents handle their multiple offers is continuing to mount.  Because there isn’t any guidance from the Boston real estate industry, listing agents just make it up as they go – and in most cases, they just pick their favorite without any thought of other solutions available.

Here some ways I’ve seen Boston condo sellers leave money on the table lately:

Boston condo listing agents selling Boston homes during their Coming Soon period, denying any other buyers.

Counter buyers for their highest-and-best, but then accept one within minutes before other responses are received.

Only countering some of the offers.

Off-market deals, which are great for the winning buyer, but bad for the seller and other Boston condominium buyers.

Boston condo sellers left in the dark

The worst part is that sellers don’t have a clue – they are just happy to sell for more than expected.

When I’ve suggested my method to agents, they have trouble grasping the concept – that’s how deep the current snatch-and-grab mentality is ingrained in agents to make a quick deal.

Boston Real Estate and the Bottom Line

What’s the solution?  List your home with me!

(Hey, it’s my Boston real estate blog so you know I have proved myself plug once in a while)

Boston Real Estate for Sale 


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