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I got my flu shot even though I wear a mask and rarely get within six feet of anyone (and it’s not because I have no customers or friends). Mostly because I’m doing more work from my home office.

I found this nifty little triangle thingy (sorry if I’m using too many technical terms) on the national CDC web site. I am referencing it because yesterday I was reading false information about the flu and how many people die of it (No, it wasn’t on Donald Trump’s website).

Anyway, SARS-CoV-2 has killed at least 210K in the US this year. The number may be closer to 275K and could climb to 400K by the end of 2020.  When the flu season hits we could be facing two pandemics or a “twindemic” except they are not identical twins. One of them is an evil twin that we still don’t know enough about.

The flu shot is 30 to 60% effective depending on the age of the recipient and the flu strain. People who do not get the flu will never know if the shot worked or not. I didn’t get the flu in 2019.

Hospitalization for the flu during a pandemic could be fatal.

You can not get the flu from a flu shot. The shot does not protect against COVID-19. It takes a couple of weeks for a flu shot to start working which is why it is best to get it before you get the flu.

I get my shot at a local drug store and it was free unless you count the thousands I pay for my crappy insurance each year.

What does this have to do with real estate? Everything because most people who get the flu and even those who do not get the flu live in real estate.

You are welcome!

Influenza Chart Infographic high res

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